Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My life as a barre-fly :) *

Since my injured toe** has left me officially without a good foot, it's a good thing that Haim Kaufman's Israeli folk dance sessions take place in a dance studio, 'cause I was hugging the barre all evening this past Sunday.  I can't dance far and I can't dance fast, but, hey, at least I can still dance.


**You'll be happy to know that my podiatrist's x-ray showed that the toe was not broken, but it still hurts enough that I have to keep it under wraps, literally.


Blogger Talia bat Pessi said...


That pun wins the Internet.

Thu Dec 26, 01:15:00 AM 2013  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...


Thanks, Talia!

Thu Dec 26, 04:39:00 PM 2013  

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